The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)


now $173. 238-0505. CORNER SECTIONAL 2 full size sofe. Contemporary. 4 goid.

$225. Very good condition. 251-2410 EDISON 2 bedronm, kids. pars ok. can last $30 HOME RENTALS 572-4O00 EDISON Ideal lor afi torn castes fairies.

Lovefy 1 2 bedroom apis. Heat, hot waler, cooking gas pod are 985-0559 EDISON 1 4 2 bedroom epts. Heat, hot water, cooking gas. pool. Call EDISON 2 bedroom, bMt, paid, kids ok unoer $oO HOME RENTALS 672-4000 FRANKLIN PARK SOMERSET Luxurious 1 bedroom Townhouse, fireplace, cethedral catling, fully carpeted 4 more.

Must be seen. SbOO mo utilities. Aveilsoie Mer. 297-8050. FRANKLIN TWP.

2 bedrooms, utilities paid $30. HOME RENTALS 52-4000 HIGHLAND PARK smalt 3 room apt with heat. yerd. $370 mo. References 4 securl-ty.

463-0649 HIGHLAND PARK 3 bedrooms, kitcnen, living room, oining room. No pets. 572-4079 HIGHLAND PARK 2 bedrooms $320 HOME RENTALS 572-4000 HIGHLAND PARK orsst Glen luxury epts. From $450 -f utiir-tles. CeH 86-8100 HIGHLAND PARK 2 bedrooms $325.

Parking, tile bam. METRO INC. 283-0100 JAMESBURG $230 Utilities Peid HOME RENTALS 572-4000 JAMESBURG 1 bedroom, heet 4 hot water supplied. Beck 4 front entrence. ho pets.

521-0304 KENDALL PARK 3 4 4 room for couple. Nice country place neer bus. 297-7184. MATAWAN Country setting. 1 bedroom, $355.

Cell 9 to 2, 828-5900 MENLO PARK AREA 4 rooms $275 HOME RENTALS 672-4000 MIDDLESEX COUNTY All ereas, sizes, rents. METRO INC. 283-0100 MIDDLESEX 2 bedroom spt. 4 family home, central air. Available Feb 15, $500 per mo.

mo security 4 leese. After 5, 356-4J99. MILLTOWN kids, pets ok, util ities oeid SZ95 HOME RENTALS 572-4000 MILLTOWN 3 bedrooms. S495 utilities. PO Box 1 95.

North Brunswick, NJ ihto. NEW BRUNSWICK studio $275. Utilities oeid. 1 bedroom cottese $350. car pet, verd.

besem*nt. 2 bedrooms $4O0. Kidspets, verd. nest, hot water METRO INC. 283-0100 NEW BRUNSWICK 2 bed rooms, heat 4 not water $395.

E-Z RENTAL AGENCY Broker 738-0605 NEW BRUNSWICK Regency Manor Aot. very aoacious. luxury garden apt. 14 2 bedrooms eveiiabia. Heat 4 hot water Included.

745-9149. NEW BRUNSWICK 2 room stu dio, $250 1H mos secur ity. Heet supplied. French near St. Peters Cemetery.

Csll between 5PM-9PM, 679-6659. NEW BRUNSWICK Joyce Kilmer Apts. now renting lerge 1 bedroom eDt. Cell between 9AM-9PM ONLY Z4-Q6Z7, NEW BRUNSWICK 1 bedroom eot. $260 utilities.

Adults. Security 4 references re quired. CaH 7 -9PM 249-9763 NEW BRUNSWICK 1 bed room, cerpet, AC. dishwssn- er, credit references neces sary. 609-443-61 78 6-9pm NEW BRUNSWICK 4 room eDt.

evelteoie immediately. $325. heet and eiectrtc. Call 745-9545. NEW BRUNSWICK 6 rooms 4 beth ept.

Ceil 246-9054. NEW BRUNSWICK 2 bedroom eot. Students, business cou ple, no pets. 4-epm it-ov NEW BRUNSWICK 1 4 2 bed room apts. Cell between 6 4 xey-uiu NEW BRUNSWICK (outskirts) 1 bedroom eot.

Cell lOem til 8pm. Mon-Set. 247-8239. NEW BRUNSWICK 62 Handy studio. SZ50 with neat.

828-4665, 10-2pm. NEW BRUNSWICK 4 room eot. Couoie. No nets. Security 4 References.

CeH Z4-uej NEW BRUNSWICK 6 rooms. heet peid $350 stove, parking HOmERENTALS 572-4000 NEW BRUNSWICK $300 2 bedroom, kios ok HOME RENTALS 572-4000 NORTH BRUNSWICK MORE FCR YOUR MONET HEAT, HOT WATER POOL INCLUDED IN RENT NORTH VILLAGE APTS Dlhwhr. disposal, individ ual air conditioners, 1 bedroom from $440; 2 bedrooms 12 baths) from $565. No pets. Georges 4 Cranoury Cross fd.

1 OlOCk tO HWy S1SU. Call 828-6166 or 26-1854. NORTH BRUNSWICK HIDDEN LAKE Hidden Laae Or (Oft Rt 27) New Jery Most Magnificent Luxury Gerden Apartments RENTALS Iron $480 PHONE 201-821-8088 Main Office: 201-846-6700 NORTH BRUNSWICK Ridge- wood si dens townnouse-1 betns. 2 bedrooms, central air, aH eiectrtc, utilities not Included. $70 oer mo.

Avsiteoie Merch 1. 1982. 249-4467 NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 4 2 bedroom trom S440 4 $69. Norm Village 828-6166, 246- NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 3 bed rooms $400 Appliances psrk- ina METRO INC. 2H3-0100 North Brunswick Manor Lux ury tuwnhomes.

wood ed site on Rt 1 NORTH BRuNSWiCK 3 room apt. naet 4 utilities $J67 mo 6i99JI 9Meve. NORTH BRUNSWICK 3 ronm pets ok fihs pstd HOME RENTALS 572-4O00 01 0 BRtOGF -Arcade Gardens, Rt 9, OKI brkise. 4 bedroom plus oen: bedrooms piut oen. Wanted to Buv MOVING? Converted to Gas? Dont leeve your fuel oH behind pay cash per Gel 763-1622 RIFLES.

Shotguns 4 Hendguns tor ceth. Licensed deeier peys more. Murpny v-353r. STAMPS, BesebeH cards. Post- ceras.

Antiques. Estates. We Highest Prices 247-1093. MARILYN BUYS 4 BUYS Used Furs. Knick-knecxs Furniture, etc.

Cell 257-6597 buy antiques, contents of home, cesn on SDDretssis. 246-3829. Robinson 4 Sons. GARDENING SUPPLIES 500 Products Suocsies HORSE MANURE Aged. CsH between 7AM-6AM 6PM -9PM.

621-4463. 510 Livestock ft Pouftry HAY 6 STRAW FOR SLE CLOVE RLEAF RANCH CALL 297-9752 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE Kids, school 6 show horses for sale. 521-9879 or 251-5334 520 Equipment (mowers etc) FORRLIFT 7000 lb. Aiiis Chalmers electric 193 lift. Call John Conroy 752-1600 Ext za.

UNDERGROUND SPRINKLERS New, Copper, 6 Lerge, 10 Ma oium, a amen noeoe. Hamoira witn lines and finings $1Z9 Z31-OB1. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 600 Rooms Furnished EAST BRUNSWICK quiet ture ledv. non-smoker. Light kitchen privileges.

References $50 wk. 254-38 1837. EAST BRUNSWICK female, kitchen orhrileaes. $55 wk 254-7162. FRANKLIN TWP.

(Mlddiebush) In $125,000 home. TV. laun dry. $70 wk. 873-3248.

KENDALL PARK Room for mature women in mv home. Cell 297-8713 MANVILLE 1 double room, In ences, meture. CeH 685-9781 METUCHEN large room, private entrance, private bath $60 wk CaH 648-7626. METUCHEN short term rent al for corporate executive. Bright 3 room apt $695 Includes utUltles 549-07 14.

NEW BRUNSWICK prtvete home, no smoking, maid ear- vice, kitchen. $56 wk, $50 se curity. 873-3911 or 247-2879. NEW BRUNSWICK Douglass. nice, no cooking, non-emotter.

CeH 1-Spm. 645-1662. NEW BRUNSWICK Carpeted. refr aeretor. kitcnen privi leges, nice 960-1669 tocei can NEW BRUNSWICK 2 rooms neer Rutaers 4 RR station.

9- 6, 333-1 776; 7-10, B46-0735 NEW BRUNSWICK kitchen Drlvlteses tor non-moklns gentlemen. 949-Z1ZU. NEW BRUNSWICK 1 block Dousle. beth. ktchen-l prlvetedge.

545-7 140 eft 5 NEW BRUNSWICK neer College Ave. 828-9309. NEW BRUNSWICK Near Ruteers. smell, no cooklna. quiet mele $120mo.

247-6959 PISCATAWAV room In private home. Elderly gentlemen pre-1 ferred. $60 wk 4 laundry. CaH after 4pm: PZ-646Z. SOUTH RIVER erea dean comfortable rooms, weekly I retes.

EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY AH real estate advertising In this newspaper ts subnet to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it Illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, or an in tention to make any such preference, limitation or dis crimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In vio lation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised In this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity oasis. 610 Rooms Houwrkwomq RETIRED MAN. 74, livma in Fla.

looking tor elderly women to I do light cooking 4 houekeep-1 ing Hi exchenge for room. Cart 254-0946 6-PM tlS Apartments for Rent Aoeroeen APot Abecon 100'S OF VACANCIES To Choose From All Prices. ll area Reliable Service Since 1976 HOME RENTALS 572-4000 AVENEL Specious 4 rooms $275 stove. Dsrklna. verd HOMERENTALS 572-4OO0 EAST BRUNSWICK SPECIAL OFFER Dunhams Court East 1 1 1 klriw.

A.J.W IUAUIJ I a ixaiiix. ixiaga gai- den apts. available tatnesiiatefy. Gas, beat hot water incltM Cal 201-257-1688. EAST BRUNSWICK Attractive 1 bedroom epertment even- able Immedietely.

includes heet, hot weter 4 cooking gas. Z0-9U. EAST BRUNSWICK Colonial VUtege. 14 2 bedrooms, fur nished unfurnished. 846- 2Z33.

EAST BRUNSWICK Country Hving, 2 bedroom. $300 util ities, security a references. Cerol 560-9560 9-4pm EAST BRUNSWICK Ktmwood, 142 bdrm. duplexes. Cable TV availeble Z54-8600.

EAST BRUNSWICK WYNOMOOR APARTMENTS RydersLsne 257-7504 EAST WINDSOR LUXURY APARTMENTS FRCM $325 PRIfCETON ARKS 142 BEDROOMS I Include Individual controlled heet. 2 air conditioner, pelio 4 bsicony prlvste entrence. Also furnished eperfments evsllsble, DIRECTIONS: At North Bruntwlck Circle teke Rt. 130 So. to fifth light.

Turn right on Rt 571. At ind light turn left on Old Trenton Rd. Model open 9 to pm. 609-448-4801. EDISON eH utHltlet peid, weH to welt carpeting $joq HOME RENTALS 572-4000 EDISON For couoie, 2 bed rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen.

Petn. 4UU 470 615 1 BASS Key, good condition, cover stend. Call 297-4Q 1 5. GUiTAR-Glhton Melody Maker I960. $350 or best otter.

BARRY, 246-0894. ORGAN lowrey. double key board, full rhythm section, $1000. 287-2589. PIANO Console, living room oueuty Asking $650 must be seen! 238-0089 PIANO 4 ORGAN GIGANTIC WAREHOUSE SALE New 4 Used tremendous selection of Sotnets.

Console. Uprights, Grands 4 Player Pienos. AH maior brands, all guaranteed. lowest prices. Unlimited rentals available from $7.50 mo.

Mon-Frl 10-9. Sat 10-6 (201)985-0408 NEW JERSEY PIANO CO. 1506 Stelton Rd Plscataway PIANOS 4 ORGANS New 4 used. Seasonal Cleerence Sale. Everything priced tor quick teie.

Bett buyt et THE MUSIC MART. 1945 Hwy Z7. Edlton (1 mi. south of Rt 287) PIANOS-ORGANS Tremen dous Selection. Lowest Pric Altenburg piano House, Elizabeth, 800-492-4040 -PIANOS' Uprights, big 4 small $175- $j5 aiso fienos muvcu Bought 4 Sold.

226-5977. 447 Audio-Video (CB-TV-Radio, etc) ATARI Seers, console, 30 cartridges. sH controllers. Buy whole set or wlH seH seperete- 521-139 COMPUTER TI-994A. 3 mos.

old, meny extres. Asking I $d5U. zoi-eiv erter opm. CONSOLE STEREO Grundlg AM rM radio turntable, $76. CeH 583-4818 STEREO AMFM.

8 track, cassette recorder. Asking siuu. zoe-oojo error STEREO Penesonlc AMFM cassette $ZZ5; stereo coun- ter, STEREO RECORD PLAYER Sylvenia, with 2 speekers $50 ian zeo-uoio 5 FT Giant Screen TV $995 -Thorpe Distributors 1034 Stelton Rd. Plscataway open sets. i-pm 9Bi-vzzz 450 Sporting Goods COLT AR-15 with 3X Scope new $650, 1 cese of 223 PMC ammo $Z40.

Z97-335. ICE SKATES ledv's. Size 9. Worn once. $15.

238-2869. Cell efter 6. POOL ebove ground. 2 yrs oid, excellent condition, built in filter, tedder 4 vaccum. 18x48.

Deck 4 portable ladder. $500, 238-2869 after 6. POOL TABLE Slate too $350. air hockey table $125. Old tvpe pinbell mechlne $300 985-8499 POOL 24 ft round.

4 ft high, flood condition. You take I down, must be done by end of I Kerch, Z9U. 9Z1-ZZB 12ft. rubber porteble Inflatable Saylar boat. tall fishing ceno- py.

motor orecxets. aeo-zozo 4A0 Pets SuDOiies CHIHUAHUA PUP-AKC, friendly, greet with kids, housebro-1 ken. happy 4 healthy. Sacrifice to good nome svo. 9a-isa.

CHIHUAHUA PUPS-8 wks. Only to good home 231 Joyce Kilmer Ave. new BrunswtcK. DOG PENS (2) 5X10. Extra large insulated dog coop.

gZOO, Z94-91Z4. FERRET -Female, sable Cage. $60 MUST SELL Cell 251-6931 GERMAN SHEPHERD-Femele 1 yr AKC neeot home with ac tive cniiaren. ozo-oon i GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY 9 mos. old, friendly, tree to good nome.

Z9i-ei84. GERMAN SHORT HAIRED- POINTER Male Puppies AKC Chempion stock. Z-119 at- IRISH SETTER PUPS AKC. Male 4 Female Beauty's. Rs- onaoie.

ceil o-J LABRADOR RETRIEVER. Male. pure black, AKC, 7 mos, sll shots. Gentle 4 smart. $zuo.

549-8919 eftor 3 LHAPSA APHSA Femeie, excel lent pet, 3 vrs oio, wnlto.SlOO. 257-016O MALTESE PUPPIES 4 DOGS Aaoraoie. pure bred. CaH 360- 969 4 keep on trying. POMERANIAN PUPPIES AKC, $200.

Cream, Black 4 Brown, 4wkotd. Z47-Q683. POODLE Male. 7 mo old. Must sH que to energies.

Cnempt-1 on sire 6 oam zs ad osys PUPPIES Litters Wen ted For Pets Cute Mixed 4 AKC 609-448-841 1, 10-5pm. SHEPHERD PUP 3 mo old mete, lerge-boned, no peper. $75. CSS 9gJ-61B ANIMAL LOVERS "Daisy'' a white terrier who he been ebendoned 4 mistreated needa kind loving noma. She spayed, house-broken 4 had ell shots.

Prefer adult home. Cell 82 1 -8548. ANIMAL KINGDOM 1275 Rte. 23, Wayne 694-5050 461 Pet Services DOG OetDlEhCESMOW HANDLING CLASSES Stert Mon-oay evenings, Mer. 1st.

American Legion Hell, North Bruns- WlCk 469-ZQ09 or 64-O300. STUD SERVICE GERMAN SHEPHERD lOOtbs. Good on- position AKC 238-2643 eves Misceftanpotrt Bill TRAUiNO POST We buy furniture 4 entiques 10 Den nis St brunswick zr-JO. DIAMOND RING 25 point ceret, $500best offer. CeH 254-6532 ENGAGEMENT RING SET 14K wmta gold, 68 facet, gm seoo whi teik fencing distributor hes surplus of green vinyl cied chein link fenclna et 59 a so.

ft. completely tnsteited. terms. can waienouse direct. ZBJ- 0300 PRINTERS DRAWERS (10) with fancy pulls $12 ee.

100 ICS type SO per lb cherry cabinet sou oi-ji io 9-pm TELESCOPE Edmund 6 Inch Newtonien. 3 lenses, clock drive, heavy duty stand, Hke new. $4O0. 249-6877. 470 Warrmti to PuV AVOID UAHAlll SALE HASSLES I buy Contents ot HOME ATTICS 4 ANTIQUES 267-6597 BUYING 4 SELUNG BASFBALL CARUScoms CO 171 MIH- ta Ave.

So. River, 238-7970 COLOR TELEVISIONS WANTED Not working No otoer then yrs. wm ouy. az-o-siu. GATE WANTED Wood expenoabie gate home use Cn 246-49 5.

GUNS Swords-M Wt si try hems- We Pay We Household Goods GIGANTIC HOUSE SALE 4 Con tent ot Garage. Furniture, en- tiquet, refrigerator, collection II lamps, oriental china sets. ctocs, coffee grinder, pot belly stove, curio sneif, driveway seal, paints. Items galore. Feb.

26, 27 4 28, 30-6om. 116 Emerson Somerset. No children. HOUSEHOLD Rug 12x15. well unit, sleep sofs, maytag washer, kitchen set, ber, must CeH 297-229 after 5pm.

HOUSEHOLD TV. kitchen set. refrigeretor. lewn mower, wesher 4 dryer, etc 257-9674 HUTCH with siidlnj glass doors, esking $35. CaH 254- 5538 after 5pm LAMPS Stlftal bress lamps with linen snaoes.

2 vrs old. perfect. Pelr $225. 257-1086. LIVING ROOM NEW $250 New Dining Room 1225 also used Items, moving.

873-3246. LIVING ROOM SET 3 pc Colonial, Ilka new, $900 Cell 36-7383 MATTRESSES FACTORY SECONDS Americas premier manufacturer of handcrafted mat- trasses It box' springs has a limited number of factory reject with minor Imperfection andor Improper cover below wholesale cost. All size available. AIRELOGM BEDDING CO. 107 Waoe Ave.

So. Plemheld. N.J. (201-754-6060) REFRIGERATORS Used, guerenteed. Bennett Bros.

1609 Hwy 27, Edison. REFRIGERATORS. Weshers, Drvers. Good condition: suar- antee 254-2491. 752-3086.

REFRIGERATOR-HOTPOINT 3 vrs oid. No Droblems. $125. Csli 247-8097 REFRIGERATOR GE; Upright Freezer. Ges Dryer.

Electric Washer. 2 yrs old. 846-7468. ROBINSON 4 SONS Wa buy 4 sen entioues. new 4 used fur niture.

Cell 246-3829. SAUNA redwood, 4x8 com plete, excellent condition 968-1595, 8-4 30pm. SEWING MACHINE, portable. in cese, tike new. iiov.

6273 SOFA BED Good condition. $150 Call 25 1 -2Q93 after 5PM SOFA BED $200 Must sell, call attar 4pm 238-3474 SOFA Castro convertible. with end teoies, excellent condition, esking $230pest offer. 297-0543 erter 7pm. SOFA 4 CHAIR 90" modern green tot 4 chair.

Good con-offtion. $1 26 CeH 257-9425. STORM 4 SCREEN WINDOWS. Sliding Glett door. A-l condl- tion.

Z47-8681. ertor zpm. STOVE Electric. 36n. Gold.

Refrigeretor, Gold. Call 821591 after 6pm. VACUUM Klrby Clattic III. Im-meculete, all attachments. 3 yrs old.

$175. 968-1077 after 6 WASHER Whirlpool, heavy duty, 18 lbs. Very good condi-tlon. 3 yr oid. $200.

254-4071 BILL'S TRADING POST. Puy, ell. exchange used furnl-1 ture, entiques. Appraisers ze-44Q6; Eves 249-2482. Cartons for Sale.

For for free Moving Guide. U-Haul Company, 721-6667. TWO FLOORS Old 4 New Fur niture. Antiques File Cebi- nets Oesks. 162 Church New Brunswick.

Largest deeler in New Brunswick. 427 Antkjoes ANTIQUE merbie top cnest of I arawers witn mirror ou. 821-8633. COURTROOM FURNITURE -Wood railing with gates 4 1 judges bencn. 246-8555 Robert 4 Lester Slatof Auc tioneers Trenton 609-393- 4848, See auction ads Thurs.

SUNDAY FEB. 28, 1982 WESTFIELD N.J. Antiques Show Sale TEMPLE EMANU EL 756 East Broad Street 50 Dealers. Porcelains, Bronzes, Art Glass 4 Pottery, Baskets. Paintings, Prints, Furniture, Antique Jewelry 4 much more.

1 1 AM to 6 PM. A STELLA SHOW Donation 1 .7 5 with ed U.S. 1 ART 4 ANTIQUES Fin selection of quality antiques 4 collectibles. Now featuring new arrlvel of oek pieces; carvea siaeDoaras; pedestal table 4 chairs; bookcases; roll top desk 4 oesk chairs: Ice box. Also see 3 piece Hunzinger parlor set.

lest lake bedroom, carved Vtctorien couch. Tiffany win dows 4 lamps, Seeburg uk box, carved teek screen, and a selection of estate ieweiry 4 artwork. 'Visit backroom Antiques for large variety of fm- isriea 4 unrinisnea pieces, vre buv total 4 partial estate. U.S. 1 Flea Market 4 Antiques.

Rt 1. New Brunswick. (201) 846- 0900 WANTED Lionel Trelns-Jap 4 Nazi sworas-osggers-old guns Call 249-316 anytime. 430 araoe Saiet EDiSON 15 Naison Ave (oft Rt 27) toon-Sun Fur niture, household, beoy items, bikes, tools, aii must NEW BRUNSWICK. 395 Llvlnas- ton Ava.

Feb 27 4 28. 9-6 in doors. Assorted Furniture SOMERSET 66 Culver St. Feb 27. llem-5pm.

House sale. Entire contents must be sofd, HAVE YOUR GARAGE SALE et the piece that counts. Low dally rete, 30.000 people come tnru our doors. Fri. Sat.

4 Sun. U.S. al Flee Market, Rt 1, New Brunswick. 846-OVO0 431 FKa Mar-Vet Crafts L-tALlWS merket or isc items for flee gereae seie. Best oher takes eH h-440 44S Mtivciam Conwr ALTENBURG Piano HOUSE Open Deily til 9 Set til 6 Sunday 1-5 BALDWIN PIANOS HAMMOND ORGANS Warehouse Cleerence Huge Selection Huge Reductions Largest Pieno-Orgen Dealer from Maine to Ftorlde Floors end Floors of Pieno BALDWIN KNA6E SOmmER MASON 4 HAML'N -AI VE RETT -KIMd ALL-PLAYERS Rental Purchase Plen Avellenie CALL TOLL REE 800-492-4588 ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE 1 1 SO Jersey St, Ellrebeth ALTO SAX New.

good condition $oO. 6Z1-Z949 WHEN YOU FPY THE BREAKFAST BACCN, try a couple extra slices very crisp. It greet crumbd in the tused salad you tlx tor dmner. wnen you nave extra items around the home you no longer use, sell them for cash with a low-cost ad In Classified. 425 445 4 per Call es.

ly. a Part Time Jobs SUB SHOP HELP WANTED 18 I i vr. or oor, sHcer experi ence necesssry. Afternoon I hours. 828-0661.

i TELEPHONE SALES PART TIME-PERMANENT you are energetic, enthusiastic and have a persuattve telephone voice, you can aarn par hour. Hours Sam to lpm or 5pm to 9pm. We hava guaranteed aalary, bonuses, paid vacation, tick days and-patd holiday. Car nacauary. For interview caH Mr.

Coo par, 238-4910. AMERICAN FROZEN FOOD 1 TELEPHONE SOLICITOR ex- i oanancad. evemnas a. Sat. Good pay, local office.

29- WAREHOUSE PERSON i Fli. Fast-grcw-ln( ax port company specializing In apara part tor eerth fliovni a contruction chlnery. Mutt ba para part experienced familiar with snippingreceiving proce dures, acala ft tbrklftt. Senior citizen welcome. CaH Phil WICKER St.

Demonstrstel wlckar, bamboo, floral, bressl a porcelein Itams. Averegel $75-100 commitnon par eve. coiwci nnmwos Employment Agency Directory ACTION) TEMPS-ACTION CA-! REERS 1215 Livingston Aval No BrunmricK zo-iej i ALERT PERSONNEL- 11 Main St. East Bruntwlck, 251- 7700, Dick Fltzgoreid 1 AMBASSADOR Parsonnal 179 Davidson Ava Somerset! 1 469-8920 AMBASSADOR TEMPS 179 Davidson Ava Somerset 469-8920 'APOXIFORCE A-l In Tempo-t rarles. 67 Paterton New Brunswtefc.249-8301, APPLIED Personnel.760 Rte.

i 11, East Brunswick (Across from Bamberger s). i jB-zauu. I BLAIR PERSONNEL 1 PERMANENT-TEMPORARY So. Plalnfleld 561-6900 BRYANT BUREAU Recruiting 4 4 Placement Spedelists, East Brunswick. 257-9050.

i CAREER CENTER 4 TEMP FORCE 15 Camput Som- artet. MD-tllw I CLARKE Employment Agency A 4V9 Main faetucnen 649-2020 COSMOPOLITAN PERSONNEL. 85 Rerltan Ave. Highland pam. zatr-awj.

GETTY PERSONNEL Flnne- i gen Ln near Rt 27 (bank! biog) no BrunswtcKBZi-eso. i GLEN DELVAY Personnel Svcs. 1 Inc. 1860 Brunswick Plke-Rt 1 LawrencevIHe, 609-599-4585 1 HORIZON PERSONNEL Parsonage Bids, Rt 27 Suite 10 Edison 549-7700 I KAY SCHOR AGENCY I 1014 Livingston ava No. i Brunswick, 249-2010.

JOHN LAWRENCE ASSOC. 499 Ernston Parlin 727-4040 MANAGEMENT RECRUITERS 303 George St, New Brunt- wtcx NJ 247-2300 NETWORK EMPLOYMENT 735 Rt 18 East Brunswick 238-5023 OFFICE POWER Rt 130 at Blackhort Ln No Bruntwlck 201-297-1230 OLSTEN TEMPS need your skM. No Fee To You. 390 i George St, N.B. Call 246-1031.

PLACE MART- Personnel i Services. 5 Elm Row. New Brunswick. 247-8844 I PLACE MART PERSONNEL 65 Hit own Rd. East Bruns- wick.

238-3350. 1 POMERANTZ PERSONNEL 300 Hwy 27 Highland Perk Cor.Rerrfen 4 3rd 246-7100 I PURCELL TEMPORARIES I 900 Rt 9, Woodbrldge, NJ I PURCELL TEMPORARIES I 163 Nauau Street Princeton (609) 924-8400 RJS AFFILIATES 985-6300 i 2 Kilmer Road Edison Employment Counseling ROTATOR PERSONNEL 158 Tlces Lane Eest Brunswick 238-2101 5 SELECTIVE PERSONNEL I Turnpike Pleza Bids, next to Shereton. 247-5600. SHELLING 4 SHELLING 1075 Eaaton Ave Somerset VIMege Pisia 545-8525 SNELLING 4 SHELLING OF PRINCETON (609)924-8064 STAFF BUILDERS NEVER A FEE 303 George St 246-1687 TCS TEMPS 4 PERMANENT PLACEMENT SERVICE. 1697 Oak Tree Rd, Edison, 548-9810 THOMPSON PERSONNEL Crary Eddie Mad Rt 18 Brun 1 TOWN PERSONNEL AGENCY I 4 TOWN TEMPS Plscatewav (20 1)98 1-0440 No Brunswick 201 628-6200 WESTERN TEMPORARIES 51 W.Prospect St E.

Brunswick I 238-4700 230 Resumes' NEED ADYNAMIC RESUME? Good resumes get interviews. Law me st az-zoai. PLACE MART PERSONNEL 65 UWInwn Rn.H East Brunswick. 238-3350. Professional PrepereHon TiMTc iMr: Nf.

BRUNSWICK 297-7111 20 Aoents Wanted tf you need ob bed enough to worn, car necessary. CeH 738-7800 250 Jobs Wanted ACCOUNTANT Experienced. Sterling new service desires I accounts, accounting ooor- aeeping worn, t-aa oao-uwa BOOKKEEPER FC heavy experience In ell pheses thru Trial Balance. Desires permanent part time position, 2-3 fuU deyswa. 925-8065 297-2109 COUNTER QRIDDLE MAN deys.

Mon-Frl. Days only. SlO WK. (SH evet 7B1-3B7. BUSINESS SERVICES 300 Personal Services BABYSIT Loving Mom for teechers chHd only, sges 1 4 up, wiHnown.

2e-izz BABYSITTING any aae bv meture woman. Raasonebie retee, my home. 238-4642 BABYSITTING In my Manaia- pan noma. Loving care. 9761.

BABYSITTING In my Metu- cenen hom*o neer Lampoes School, fenced yerd 548-6 1 66 BABYSITTING Lovteia mom. aH eget my No Bruntwlck home. 297-0378 BABYSITTING My Edlton home. Any age 24 hourt a oay Including weehenoe BABYSITTING My Spots- wood. Reliable.

tnother. T.L.C. 251-7149. 505 es. Hi Fh.

300 3S0 PAINTING ANDY'S PAINTING DECORATING. Interior, Exterior, quality workmanship. 251-2032. PAINTING-Baeutiful work etonx with Removing Wallpaper 4 Specketmg, Raasonebie Rates, Free ttttmatet 238-8351 PAINTING DECORATING m-tenorexterior, roofing, car pentry, gutter, wallpapering. Fully Intured Free ettimete.

arka 545-2399 PAINTING Hlgheat quality workansnlo material. Ac tion Paint Co. 257-4342. PAINTING tnterforExtertor. Wallpapering, texturing, glaz wall grsohic.

Free estimate. CaH Bruce. Biro Home Improvement 254-5435. PAINTING 4 WALLCOVERINGS Bv F.J. Reaie.

Fait, neat oro- fetslonal service. Intured. Free ettimatat. 264-7270. PLUMBING 4 HEATING New 4 Old Work.

N.J. License No. 4812. 251-6821. PLUMBING 4 HEATING-AL'S License 475.

Energy Seving Boilers 4 Dampers. 20-44. ROOFING BY JOHN ASCH Re-Roofs Starting at S50 per sq, FULL CREDIT AVAILABLE. Fibergias or asphalt shingles. 20 yr werrantv.

SLATE repelr work. INSURED Rtrences CALL 24 HRS 287-8836. SHEETROCKER, Teper 4 Spac- kler. Also tniuiahon end paint ing. 201-923-9416 WALLPAPERING.

PAINTING. STUCCO. very reasonable. Iven 254-1 342. ALL GENERAL CARPENTRY free estimates.

AH work guar anteed. 727-0654; 591-1272. IDEAL CONSTRUCTION 96 Bayard St. New Brunswick 247-2708 JOE MOMMA'S SHARPENING SERVICE Hend saws, car bides, telssors, etc. 846-2280.

330 Special Services ALL JOBS Lenotcentng, tenc- 4 gutter cleaning. No ob too mani yna-w2uz. ATTICS, basem*nt, garage yero. etc cleaned Light mov ing 4 low price Z34-V350. ATTICS.

Cellar 4 Yard Cleaned 4 Odd Job 7 days a wk. 3i-sso4 i-wm; o-yrM CARPETING INSTALLED WaH to wail. Repairs. Stair Special ists. Reasonable.

463-8908 CARPET. TILE 4 LINEOLEUM by Installer. Seles 4 tnsteHa- tlon. 297-2400, 9-5; CLEANING COUPLE With ref erence. Needs home to clean 846-6986 after 3PM.

CLEANING We clean floor windows, rug, carpet tor office, homes, onurches 4 stores. 24 hrs. 249-5641 CLEANING YARDS 4 MOVING 1 cert of firewood $110 deliv ered 4 stacked. 545-5537 HOME REPAIRS carpentry, masonry, pstnting Mobile homes 4 TreMers 628-7803 Movers ARE YOU MOVING? CALL US NOW! 'Lowest Rete In Aree' Aooliances Piano Apt 4 Homes Fully Insured 4 Licensed 745 356-773Z MOVING ADH Maoilng Wa move witn ini tutri'v not apes zee-2241 1 Do Gat The Job Done MOVING Apartment contents. Trucking 4 delivery ot appliances 4 furnlture-1 Item cr more.

Low retes 548-7675 CeH for free moving guide 4 rete Information. U-Hui Co. 721-6667 MOVING 4 DELIVERIES also garages, ettlcs, yerOs 4 base-mentt cieened. 545-5487. MOVING 4 HAULING Reasonable retnt.

Quei'ty service. In-urd. 238-4709238-2876. "MOVING JOBS" 1 or 1001 pieces, pianos, furniture, etc. 30 yrs experience.

Compare. 225-5977. MOVING-Truck 4 3 men $32 hr Prompt! Courteous! Free etti mete Lie arat iu NIGHT MOVING We'll move you day or night. Free esti mates z9-uso arter Jim ODD JOBS Attic 4 cellars cieened. Hum heuiine 4 lawn metntenence.

0Z1-446J ODD JOBS painting, repair- Ins, cleening. No too too small. 297-6105: 254-3180. ODD JOBS repair work, roofs, plumping, gutter clean ing ozi-zzur anytime. PAINTING 4 DECORATING Free Estimates CaH Andy Painting, Z5I-ZU3Z PROFESSIONAL BARTENDER 4OR WAITER For orivete perties.

949-vbh Mtcnette RAILINGS 4 STAIRS Wood only. New. repeirs, 4 eitera- tions. Call Charlie 757-4487 ROOFING 4 GUTTERS FREE ESTIMATES CALL JOE BIRO 628-7880 SNOW PLOWING-Also Send, Stone, Grevel, Benk run deliv ered by the ton. Cell 360-9537 SPECIAL LOW RATE FOR FALL 4 WINTER CLlAN-UP Prun ing trees, snapmg bushes, moving, hauling, painting Cleening in 4 out.

545-5537. STAR ENTERPRISES Advertising Dispieys 4 Brochures tor developers only, jos-oovu TREE SERVICE Expert remo ved, trimmings, stumps re moved, mtured 6Z1-6661 VINYL REPAIR SPECIALISTS Repair, Re-Color damaged vi nyl. Homes. Restaurants. Ho tels.

Motets, Cars, Boats, Campers, etc. All work don on YOUR premises. FREE ESTIMATES Willie Henderson 661-8208 CALL V4J CONTRACTORS FOR CELLAR WATERPROOFING AH types mesonary, cnimneva. stoves, flreoieces. block worn.

footings becsnoe service, dottsli. 360-1033. FABULOUS WALLCOVERING 1199 Am boy Edison N.J. 548-O044. 350 Income Tax Returns Prepared ACCOUNTANV, Former IRS Agent, will expertly prepare aH returns, uaiiy arter 6, enos 9-9, caH 494-8650 ACCOUNTANT TAX EXPERT lax raturna by professions! Your home or mine.

254-3790 Accounting 4 Tex Services tn- Otvutuais at ousinessea. Freioenreich. CPA 251-2614. A FULL TIME ACCOUNTANT to tin your tewee. Reesonebte Rates.

238-323 AtLTAX RETURNS PREPARED, Aimo montrtiy accounting ser vice. Call 2 ALL TYPES TAXES DONE sonabie retes your home or mine, can hoi--840 201-2V7-4308 BOOKKEEPING 4 INCOME TAX Services. Corporate or inof- Viouel, 34. ees. EXPERT INCOME TAXES raHHliN DONE YOUR mUWE.

CALL 545-2724 FEDERAL NJ 4 NY Returns pre pared py pro'essionat. My off ice or your nome. t- 1 370 Ftuarinq RwnorJrting home. Public up. LET Gary, Celt TAX or Cell AB Perwmat Ssrvicps BABYSITTING my Hebnette noma, OKoertenced.

referenc CeH 521-0166 BABYSITTING Rafaranca. Plev room. Alto Monroo-Spotswood, 251-8Q1 5 BABYSITTING 5 day a week, 9-8 Or 8-4. For infants VAur noma. Can 545-3324.

CHILD CARE tormar nursery atlstnt. 12 vrs exnerienee. North Brunswick. 297-1591. I CHILD CARE mv Sevrevlke ham.

Unn. Ca 257-7258. CHILO CARE Provldad mv noma, hot kinchaa. narttuH tlma, low ratas Vicky 448-2 1 5 7 CHILD CARE Tandar Loving Cara my No Brunswick noma. Hot maals.

297-7892. CLEAN HOUSES 4 APTS. Hava car. own aauloment. Re- liebie, arhclant.

246-1 7 1 5 HOUSE CLEANING 249-7585 HOUSEKEEPING ChHdcare available tor dev worn No. Bruntwlck araa 2494168 Sua HOUSES a ARTS CLEANED Fully Insured Exoarieneed. Caw Mary son 238-1247. PERSONAL SECURITY BODY GUARD Former Corrections Officer, 549-9104 8AM-4PM TYPING: Business 4 scholastic. By professionals: Reasonable.

American Offices. 238- 3311. TYPINO Business Scholastic Resumes 828-2185 TYPING IBM Seiectrlc Professional Work Reasonable retes. 251-0877 TYPtNG-We do It on a word pro- cesor. nutinetspersonal office alternative.

25 1 -00 1 1 320 Suiting, Remodeling ADD A ROOM, garage, oorm art. aldlna. utters. All other home tmorovements. IDEAL CONSTRUCTION Co 247-2708 ADDITIONS.

A 4 SIDING. Fully Insured Free Estimates Pelago Construction 269-6979 ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS FREE ESTIMATES 249-7784 ADDITIONS. Alterations uormert. aerages, Rac Rooms. All tvfes stoma.

Cus tom homes. CaH Reoamgton 4 Sons 287-1824. Free Etti matat. FuHy Insured. 20 yrs ex perience.

ADDITIONS 4 ALTERATIONS AH cerpentrv. Sidma. dectts. pattot 4 walks. Ceramic tue In stall a repairea.

tstimatas. J. Myers 4 Son 25 1 -2825. ADDITIONS, Carpentry. Ma son, Electrician, Plumbing, Roofing.

Siding. All work guar anteea. zoe-oyo. ADDITIONS, General Carpen try, Home Improvements Masonry Custom Huilriina No fob to big or smell. Reason- aoie rates, ruiiy insurea.

CaH Peter at 548-4578. ADDITIONS Remodellna Home ImDrovements. Free Estimetes. 251-7059. ALL CONSTRUCTION I CLASSIC BUILDERS 846-8931 246-7639 ALTERATIONS complete re- novetions, custom aecks.

tiling, interior 4 exterior painting etc. All work gueranteed. Call Ken, 297-2393. ALUMINUM VINYL SIOING ROOFING ADDITIONS Roberts Contracting 247-2043 ALUMINUM 4 VINYL SIDING CLEARANCE SALE 238-8244 $85 par 100 sq. rt.

installed CARPENTRY All phetes. Re- mooenng, email repair to large Free eitimatea 985-6181 CARPENTRY Complete horn service. Inter or-Extorior Reasonable. 246-7 1 99 CARPENTRY -Expert. Interior 4 Exterior, Paneling: otho cosmetics.

238-4063 after 6 CARPENTRY 4 Generel Home Repeirs. Free Estimates. Call Farkas 545-2399 CARPENTRY- Masonry, paint- Ins, rooflna. alteretion. Joos small 4 lerge.

Jim et 545-1 269. CARPENTRY new 4 Old work from A to Z. Free estimates. 257-0014. CARPENTRY 4 painting.

Very reetonabie. Roofing. Free es- timetes. Miskoici 846-2877 CARPENTRY 4 Sheet Rock Partitions. Soacklina.

Accous- tlc Callings. Fully insured. 985-5476 as tor Jim. CEILINGS new wells, plaster repair, metal stuas. Commer- ciel, Induttriel 4 residential.

CaH Bob aft 5.572-4625 CERAMIC TILE AH types of el- teretlons 4 reoelrs. FHt tS- TIMAf ES. Call MiKE 257-7326. CERAMIC TILE Specializing installation, repairs 4 regrout- Ing. Csll 548-5270 CONCRETE-DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS Very Reliable.

Expertly done. Reesonabie fates, tstimatas. Call 521-2504 CONCRETE Patios. Walks. brick, wooden pack, base- ments.

kitchens. 367-6673 CONSTRUCTION KC 's ganerel home repairs. Ceil for free tlmate 545-5859 9em-5Dm COUNTER TOPS Decorator furniture 4 custom formica work. Free estimetes. Ceil 4 CLASSIC BUILDERS, 846-8931: 246-7639.

DESIGNS CONCEPT 287-8758 Generel Construction Renovstion 4 Additions ELECTRICIAN Lie. 6252 AH TvDesot Wiring CeH Harold Kwuser 62-6750. ELECTRICIAN License 5735. No lob too an types of wiring 4 repeirs. 1 ELECTRICIAN.

Housewlrlng4 Additions Mine K' Kieis nowsM Lw356. 257-5366 GENERAL HOME Malntenence 4 Reoair. No lob too maul Cell 521-ozo or ozz-iove. HANDYM AN AH skills from A-z. Do It yourteiters need a neiping nana By oey or now, can 4-yio.

HOME IMPROVEMENTS 4 RE PAIRS Free estHmete. AVIC CONSTRUCTION 238-6488. KITCHEN CABINET FACELIFT We renew caomett to tenitery country tutcnen look, contem- porery or cotoniel. 254-1 554 MASON Fireplace, Heetota- tor. Thermo'etor, chimney 6 stove.

Let ri-usv MONV PATIOS-WAt Robert, Contracting 27-2043 PAINTER InteriorExterior WtH datlcna renairt NO UN- SATISFHO CUSTOMERS, tuny insured. CeH R. Ravent at 545-436. I PAINTING-AH Interior Exteri or. Wallpapering.

Ceipenrry Insured. Ail work gueranteed Ceil Joe Birc 878 780. PAINTING ANO Interior-Exterior. VlY REA SONABLE. Caroentrv 4 gener al repeirs.

IhSURf O. Free esti metes. Miskoici. 846-287 7. 4 Call ing, FEDERAL 4 STATE TAX Returns prepared in your 463-9366 or 463-91 26 INCOME TAX Personel 4 Business prepered by Experienced Accountant 727-9435 INCOME TAX PREPARATION Feoeral.

state 4 local. $15 4 oii-ei iweves. INCOME TAX Preparation. dona efficiently. Reasonable-Fee CaH Mike efter 6, 545-5343 INCOME TAX RETURNS Indivrduel or Business From $10 and Up Cak today for aoot 248-4129 RaySbrHN ueorges no no Brunswick INCOME TAX RETURNS prepsreo at your conven- lence.

Cell 572-5151. A CPA prepere your tax return at a reasonable rete. Call 874-5016 eves 4 wxnds RONALD F. BRATEK CPA Individual 4 business texes. 297-4510; 828-4757.

RETURNS In your home mine, Feoeral and all State return prepared. 251-2536 BARGAIN MART 400 Alternative Energy (Coal, Wood, Fuel etc) FiREWOOO-Cut. split, 18 Inch es. Free oeirvery. (201) 787-9697 FIREWOOD Mixed Herdwood seesoned.

stecked. $65 truckloed. CeH 545-1 269. FIREWOOD Seesoned Cell 58-3780 FIREWOOD split 4 delivered, hardwood $100 cord while stock lasts 521-0855 VILLAGE CHIMNEY SWEEP" CLEAN EFFICIENT SERVICE Raasonebie Retes 257-7932 405 Machinery Tools AFFILIATED TOOLS Storton Rd 4 Washlnoton Ava Piscetewey 752-6400 410 Business Equipment DICK 320 PRESS Running condition. $150 takes It.

Call 201-329-6041 AIR CONDITIONER Used. terse, industrial Trane with compressor, condenaor 4 evaporator fan motor. CaU Tom 329-2333 9om-4pm AM COMPSET 500 Typetter. $2000 or best of fer, ceil D4i-ooj eveningt. BARBER chair, 3 beeuty chairs with stations, 2 wash sinks, 2 dryer cneirs.2 shempoo cheirs.

eest orrer. 99-oio, i i-vpm. CALCULATOR Munroe Desk Top calculator. Like. Wes $300.

Asking $150. 257-6919 DESKS Office desks, metal 4 wood. also chairs. We ceomets. Z46-8555 DESKS -1 L-sheped 4 6 Small desks Including cheirs.

Rea- aonable. cell 238-231 1 DESKS 24x40 top, only $65 ea. Chair, chromeleether. $25 aa. 788-1651 after a DESKS desks, 3766 3 L-ehaped office good condition.

238- DISPLAY CASES Gtess (3). Ilgnted, $50, $75, $85. Call 52-31 18 after 5 FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIX TURES Used. 19 4-ft sec tions with bulbs. Call Tom 329- 2333 9AM-4PM GONDOLIN UNITS (4) new.

aeklns $175 per unit: Man nequins, ensep. 4j-By i PLAIN PAPER COPIERS Under $1000 Call 257-3384 REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT FRANK -545-6124 RITE Peckaalna 4 Store Fix tures. Rt. 9 4 Texas Rd. Old Bridge, 691-9300.

STEEL SHELVING 2NDS New for the once of used. AH sizes. Work bences, metal boxes, recks, stools, flies 4 lockers. Call 4 288-2066. STORE FIXTURES NEW 4 USED.

Showcases, garment racks, gondolas, steel shelving, custom woodwork. Rite Indus tries, 653 Rt 9, Old Bridge, 591-9300. SUNKIST JUICER, Gas Fryer, Cotton Cendy Maker, Up- drat, much much more. Cusa Restaurant Equipment 800- 662-3113 415 BuUring Supdies STEEL (New) All Products Open 5 deys. Ssmson Metal Service, 329-6966 8 In, I-BEAMS 19-ft.

long Barbecue grates Used brick. 24101 425 Household Goods BACKROOM ANTIQUES 10,000 to ft of merchandise: beds, dressers, lamps, table, magazine, train, china closets 4 collectibles. Loceted at U.S. 1 Flea Merket, Rt 1, New Brunswick. i201) 846-0900.

We buy total partial estates BED Brsss, queen size, 7 mos oid. Asking $575. Cell anytime 463-8891 BEDROOM Queen size, head board, 2 nlzht tables. 1 triple dresser $450: Wesher 4 dryer, refrigerator, $710. 648-5951 BEDROOM SET Excellent condition, exclusive desicn of Rome furniture of NY.

ell wood. no veneer, triple dresser with 3 mirrors, ermoire, nignt stends. heedboerd with queen size freme. Onglnel price t75, tscrlftce at $1950. 21-7363 BEDROOM SET Hard Rock Maple (Antique Yellow), single dresser, mirror, twin bed 4 Chest $175.

247-3020. BEDROOM SETS ANTIQUE 8 PC aerx wooo, souu nrm. Medlterrsneen 7 pc. sood con dition $400. 649-1044.

BEDROOM SET 3 piece Modern, $175. Cell 621-2278 BEDROOM SET pc white, ell wood. Excellent condition. $350. Cell 828-7698.

BEDROOM 7 pc. living roe Both ere new. $295. After lpm 446-3467, 738-4840. BEER BARREL reversible table (cerd 4 reguler teble), 4 piusn berrel chairs, solid wood, per fect condition.

Do-z6ze. BBrurinuT ft wide, $2)0. Washer, GE. Works. ea.

ZB4-1B41 CARPfT Commerclel Style JOB RUN OVER. Averege from ya. can zoe-aej CARPETS -12X24" 13x9 12x13' aH $185 A-l condition, WHI sell seperaie 621-OV09 CARPET with peddlng, green good condition 67 sq yds fwu ln ve3-vi re CHAIRS (4) Modern Tub Arm Cheirs, game table height, upholstered, welnut freme, Beeu- tlful, 1 35 SU. 545-4853. CHAIR Upholstered, light gree.

$1Z9; upnoistered rock er, sprlcot, $125 All in very gooa condition, zoi-zeiu CHINA CLOSET Oak, curved giats. clsw feet $295. 58 2473 co*ckTAIL TABLE ell mlr. rored, gold 6 blue ec.oH bor der, elegant 15. $299.

green pads. tion, tion. AH 4 HI 2 CUPBOARD Kitchen, old. $125 648-2473 DESK 4 CHAIR Urge size. off-Ice, derk wood, good condition, asking $250.

257-9268 DINING ROOM solid pine hutch, table, cheirs. 3 leaves. $13O0. 254-8190 DINING ROOM TABLE mahogany with 6 mission chairs. Early 1900 $450., fireplace $50.

Redwood square tebie, 4 benches. $125. 238-7715. DISHWASHER GE portable, butcher block too. A-l condi esking $75, 9e8-691 1 ETAGERES Two glass 4 chrome Etageres New condi Were $600.

Will Sell 2 tor $300. Cell 246-4935. FREEZER GE 18 cu ft stend up $200. Westlnghouse portable dlhwhr 1100. Call after 6pm 846-321 7.

FURNITURE UNCLAIMED FREIGHT MANUFACTURER'S GOOFS REG. RUN MERCHANDISE Merchandise New Famous Mak CONVERTIBLE BEDS Reg. $299. these sofa are new but manufacturer goofed covered them in the wrong fabric. Your For $178 Sofa without beds $107 Love Seat $95 EARLY AMERICAN, TRADITIONAL, CONTEMPORARY.

SOFAS Various Fabrics $168 BEDROOM SETS New 4 In eeled carton. Fa mous national brand. Reg. $600. Your for $327 MATTRESSES Famous Maker Matched $44 RISERS $168 LIVING ROOMS 4 3 pc.

group. The sofas and chairs are dealer cancel lations. can't mention manufacturer's nam be cause of price. HEADBOARDS RECLINERS $1 $78 $57 CLUB CHAIRS HARDWOOD ROCKERS $48 RUGS ORIENTAL RUGS 5 8 V4 ASSORTED DESIGNS $88 12X9 $39 FRINGE OVALS $28 Wall to Wail $3 sq. yd.

Truck loads from famous Southern Mills. Shags Plushes, Splushes, Nylons, Polyesters, Kodels, Wools, Axmfnlsters, domestic orientals. Hundreds to choose from: 9x12; 6x9; 7x10; 9x15; 7x12; 12x21 and larger. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CASH OR TERMS RELIABLE FURNITURE LIQUIDATORS 260 Rte 18 East Brunswick Odo. Crazy Eddie's 238-0505 One-of-a-Kind! 7568 00 ID It's SEW-SIMPLE to make this glamourous new fashion yours! Just two tlat pieces tor dress, then paint beautiful design in vivid colors, embroider highlights'.

Pattern 7568: tissue transfer for dress with motifs. Sizes 8-14 included. $2.25 for each pattern. Add 50 each pattern for postage jnd handling. Sry to Alice Brooks Pattern Dept.

9 1 Box 1G3, Old Chelsea Sta New York, NY 10113. Print Name, Address, Zip, Pattern Number. -1982 Needlecraft Catalog; 3 free patterns inside. 170 best rackets, dolls, quilts, more Knit, Crochet, Embroider. $1.50 ALL CRAFT BOOKS.

each All Books and Catalog-add 50 each (or postage and handling, 135 Dolls Clothes Un Parade 134-14 Quick Machine Quilts 133 Fashion Home Quilting 132-Ouilt Originals Fashions Sizes 38 56 128 Envelope Patchwork Quilts 127-Afghans 'n' Doilies 125 Petal Quilts 124 Easv Gifts 'n' Ornaments 123-Stitch Patch Ouitts 122 Stuff 'n Puff Quilts 120 Crochet Your Wardrobe 1 19 Easy Art of Flower Crochet 116 Nifty Fifty Quilts 115 Easy Art of Ripple Crochet 113-Complete Gin Book 109 Sew -f Knit (Basic tissue incl 105 Instant Crochet 102 Museum Quilts 101 Quilt Bock Collection 1 sen. et Immediate occupency. ws'co- ntes. Buses at door. 7 1 7 1 9 OLD BRiOGE Arcade Gardens.

Rt 9. Swim cup. Bsicontes-Buses et poor OLD BRIOGE Amster- oem Vsisue 3 124 1Z utilities, 2 mos security. Cell owner (212) 2eJ Lie. dealer peys ueco.

coys room aoi. ul OLD BHIL'CC- Pme Tree Section ii Hi oejrooms 3ed-vv 01 1 bedroom with den. 2 oeoroom tnwnnouse. Country living 3l V2. mor Bert 6U9-9Z4 jaoowxdy LIONEL TRAINS-Jep 4 Nazi EDtSON-3 room efficiency newly remooeied 1 eioerly person preferred npn smoker old guns.

csm zl at enytime..

The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)


Is New Brunswick a good place to live New Jersey? ›

New Brunswick, New Jersey, is a vibrant city with a rich cultural and academic atmosphere, largely fueled by Rutgers University, which adds a youthful and dynamic energy to the area.

What newspaper is in New Brunswick NJ? ›

New Brunswick Daily Times & Daily Home News.

What newspaper covers Middlesex County, New Jersey? ›

The Central New Jersey Home News Tribune is a daily newspaper serving Middlesex County, New Jersey.

What is the largest paper in New Jersey? ›

The Star-Ledger is the largest circulation newspaper in New Jersey.

Is New Brunswick a good place to live in? ›

Whether you choose to live in a bigger urban area or settle down in a rural community, New Brunswick is very affordable. What that means for you and your family is that you can own your own home here, with access to top-tier post-secondary education, daycare, and amenities that are all economical.

What is the safest part of New Jersey to live? ›

Top 10 Safest Cities in New Jersey
  1. New Hanover. Population: 7,504. Violent Crimes Per Capita: 7.5% ...
  2. Matawan. Population: 8,864. ...
  3. Chesterfield. Population: 7,567. ...
  4. Tewksbury. Population: 5,825. ...
  5. Mendham. Population: 5,757. ...
  6. North Caldwell. Population: 6,716. ...
  7. Montvale. Population: 8,729. ...
  8. Norwood. Population: 5,836.

Is August 1st a holiday in New Brunswick? ›

New Brunswick Day is a holiday in the Canadian province of New Brunswick on the first Monday of August. It is a chance for people to strengthen their local communities by celebrating their achievements, history, culture and landscape. Many towns hold "birthday" parties for the province.

What county is New Brunswick, NJ in? ›

New Brunswick is the county seat of Middlesex County, hosting many of the county's government offices and facilities.

Does Rutgers have a newspaper? ›

The New Brunswick/Piscataway campuses are served by an independently incorporated daily newspaper, the Daily Targum. Founded in 1866 as a yearbook, it has been published as a newspaper since 1869 and is the oldest undergraduate newspaper in the country.

Who represents Middlesex County NJ? ›

Frank Pallone, Jr. is serving his 18th full term in the U.S. House of Representatives. Pallone represents New Jersey's 6th Congressional District, which covers most of Middlesex County, as well as the Bayshore and oceanfront areas of Monmouth County.

How do I find a specific newspaper? ›

Use the Directory of U.S. Newspapers in American Libraries to find out what newspapers were published in a specific place and time period. Select the location and time frame, which will retrieve a list of titles and publication information for each title.

What kind of newspaper is newsday? ›

Newsday, evening daily tabloid newspaper published in Long Island, N.Y., to serve residents of suburban Nassau and Suffolk counties, east of New York City.

What is the largest toilet paper? ›

"Measuring more than eight feet high with a diameter of more than nine feet wide, the World's Largest Toilet Roll is made entirely of Charmin toilet tissue.

What was New Jersey's first newspaper? ›

the New Jersey Gazette

What is the largest paper in the United States? ›

The 5 Largest Daily US Newspapers
  • The Wall Street Journal.
  • The New York Times.
  • USA Today.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Los Angeles Times.
Jul 25, 2024

What is the nicest part of New Jersey to live in? ›

A: Ho-Ho-Kus, Hoboken, and Jersey City in North Jersey are among the best places to live in New Jersey. They are all wonderful cities in their own right, but they're especially great commuter hubs if you work in New York.

Is New Brunswick expensive to live? ›

The estimated monthly cost of living in New Brunswick for a family of 4 (excluding rent) totals around C$2,014 (₹1,23,521), while for a single individual, it's approximately C$661 (₹40,559). Master the Magic of New Brunswick's Affordability!

How expensive is New Brunswick NJ? ›

New Brunswick is ranked 43 out of 273 cities across the US in terms of cost of living. The cost of living in New Brunswick is 113.8% of the national average.

What is New Brunswick NJ best known for? ›

A regional commercial hub for central New Jersey, the city is both a college town (the home of Rutgers University-New Brunswick, the state's largest university) and a commuter town for residents commuting to New York City within the New York metropolitan area.


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.